do not know why, just want to post more photos in this blog to me. it seems that all this can not be separated from one day to me. and now I seem more confused I want to write in my blog.
does not know who would tell me, gossip, or a blemish next. I thought only one is to the problem "UAS" ughhhhh. . . dizziness
I second dating yeah. . . 26 january 2009. my dating with my girlfriend, watching movies on the go Blitz Megaplex MOI. 2 times watching the film, the first saw 5 and a two pintu terlarang, fun. What do I get in at the l sovenir pintu terlarang, even though its only glass, calendars, T-shirt of the summer and sticker. but still happy aja. namanya juga sovenir gratisan. . . ahahahaha. . . :p
finaly akhirnya berakhir sudah kerjaan gw selama 3 minggu berturut-turut, kerjaan yang mengharuskan gw datang tepat waktu, bangun pagi, pulang malam dan menghapus semua acara week end gw. tapi, no problem, because all feel tired and bored that I naturally have to pay a pitch. even though my salary has to go out somewhere, but, thanks to the work I understand, have been hard for the money! ! !
images of children prankish foto: meita make up: meita konsep foto ini about street children is a little creepy, wanton, and wild. reflected in the darkness in himself, which dominates the color black and the trappings of hair and a face in a somewhat darker giving the impression that challenging and sexy. warna kulit di buat sedikit gelap dan mengkilap menggunakan baby oil yang dapat membuat efek luar biasa pada foto.