Rabu, 14 Januari 2009


"I want to anger, wreak.
but it is just my own here.
I want to show, on anyone who is there.
that my heart, disappointed."

natasya monica
remove fatigue in heavenly cupcakes, along with a woman named teenagers natasya monica. hoby that women have the same with me this study in the london school of public relations. geluti fashion world with us, many things that we often skip collide including acting in sinetron "Alissa". he would like to know more? open blog in www.natassyeaah.blogspot.com

tiger mask

tiger mask

green v-neck tshirt topman, black acid skinny jeans club monaco, brown handle bag mont blanc, silver watches casio, sneakers airplane shoes

dirty shoes
shoes dirty indeed impressed grubby, dirty shoes, but usually is the most comfortable shoes we use, so it's very fast shoes dirty, to clean white shoes made of synthetic leather that is very easy, with only a toothbrush and toothpaste used , why we use toothpaste? because in the toothpaste are substances that act to whiten teeth that can be useful also for the white shoes blench ours to look more white, more than that this substance is not harmful to our skin shoes. survivors try!


dingin. . . dingin di mandiin nanti masuk angin
This has been a few days the air in the cold, pas gw bangun pagi gw berasa mimpi kalo udara di jakarta bisa sedingin ini. ke kampus harus pake jaket yang extra tebal, belom lagi jalanan jadi becek banget, tau gini "aku beli apartemen di depan binus aja biar bisa jalan kaki dan deket sama kampus aku, dan liat deh kampus aku keliatan loh dari balkon eh bahasa indonesianya balkon apa? oh iya teras, udah gitu temen-temen aku kan rumahnya di kebon jeruk smua jadi kalo mau main ke apartemen aku tinggal aku telvon dan 5 menit nyampe deh" trus aku tetanggaan deh sama cinta laura kill, global warming it's cool.
konon nih kata mama, udara yang dingin ini merupakan efek dari hujan yang terus-menerus melanda kota jakarta yang di sebabkan oleh tahun baru cina yang akan datang.