Rabu, 28 Januari 2009


do not know why, just want to post more photos in this blog to me. it seems that all this can not be separated from one day to me. and now I seem more confused I want to write in my blog.
does not know who would tell me, gossip, or a blemish next.
I thought only one is to the problem "UAS"
ughhhhh. . . dizziness

I second dating

I second dating
yeah. . . 26 january 2009.
my dating with my girlfriend, watching movies on the go Blitz Megaplex MOI. 2 times watching the film, the first saw 5 and a two pintu terlarang, fun. What do I get in at the l sovenir pintu terlarang, even though its only glass, calendars, T-shirt of the summer and sticker. but still happy aja. namanya juga sovenir gratisan. . .

ahahahaha. . . :p


akhirnya berakhir sudah kerjaan gw selama 3 minggu berturut-turut, kerjaan yang mengharuskan gw datang tepat waktu, bangun pagi, pulang malam dan menghapus semua acara week end gw. tapi, no problem, because all feel tired and bored that I naturally have to pay a pitch. even though my salary has to go out somewhere, but, thanks to the work I understand, have been hard for the money! ! !

images of children prankish

images of children prankish
foto: meita make up: meita
konsep foto ini about street children is a little creepy, wanton, and wild. reflected in the darkness in himself, which dominates the color black and the trappings of hair and a face in a somewhat darker giving the impression that challenging and sexy. warna kulit di buat sedikit gelap dan mengkilap menggunakan baby oil yang dapat membuat efek luar biasa pada foto.

Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

sad ;(

“walaupun cinta tak sempurna menghampiri ku seketika, ku ingin kau tau betapa rapuhnya aku, kau tak tau betapa rapuhnya aku di situlah sang luka di masa lalu. ku pernah mencintai sepenuh hati,namun cinta itu hadir, dan ku terluka, luka membekas, bekas membuat, buat selamanya, selamanya ku, ku kan selalu, ku kan selalu rapuh”

19 januari 2008

"This evening I just get a gold wing is very beautiful, and you can make me fly high to see the scenery so beautiful, but a moment later I should be ready to feel the pain that is acute when the wing was damaged and I fell from a height of quite high."
This night is the night that I always wait, wait, that night there are always beautiful in my dream, to spend the night with you for dating or just dinner and watching the movie. the 4-year dream that always comes in always me a beautiful night, and today that dream become a reality. I love you too big for, and I hope you as well. This is a very beautiful night, and hopefully the next day is also beautiful. this day I have to see beautiful scenery fly with you, and I hope you will never let my hands, so that we can be equally fly higher to see a more beautiful scenery.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

nokia 5800 Xpress music part 2

work hard, play hard
working hard on this day, and two days. the task of studying a lot, lazy do it. sorry Cemara family go to hell part 3 in its first delay yaa.

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009


"I want to anger, wreak.
but it is just my own here.
I want to show, on anyone who is there.
that my heart, disappointed."

natasya monica
remove fatigue in heavenly cupcakes, along with a woman named teenagers natasya monica. hoby that women have the same with me this study in the london school of public relations. geluti fashion world with us, many things that we often skip collide including acting in sinetron "Alissa". he would like to know more? open blog in www.natassyeaah.blogspot.com

tiger mask

tiger mask

green v-neck tshirt topman, black acid skinny jeans club monaco, brown handle bag mont blanc, silver watches casio, sneakers airplane shoes

dirty shoes
shoes dirty indeed impressed grubby, dirty shoes, but usually is the most comfortable shoes we use, so it's very fast shoes dirty, to clean white shoes made of synthetic leather that is very easy, with only a toothbrush and toothpaste used , why we use toothpaste? because in the toothpaste are substances that act to whiten teeth that can be useful also for the white shoes blench ours to look more white, more than that this substance is not harmful to our skin shoes. survivors try!


dingin. . . dingin di mandiin nanti masuk angin
This has been a few days the air in the cold, pas gw bangun pagi gw berasa mimpi kalo udara di jakarta bisa sedingin ini. ke kampus harus pake jaket yang extra tebal, belom lagi jalanan jadi becek banget, tau gini "aku beli apartemen di depan binus aja biar bisa jalan kaki dan deket sama kampus aku, dan liat deh kampus aku keliatan loh dari balkon eh bahasa indonesianya balkon apa? oh iya teras, udah gitu temen-temen aku kan rumahnya di kebon jeruk smua jadi kalo mau main ke apartemen aku tinggal aku telvon dan 5 menit nyampe deh" trus aku tetanggaan deh sama cinta laura kill, global warming it's cool.
konon nih kata mama, udara yang dingin ini merupakan efek dari hujan yang terus-menerus melanda kota jakarta yang di sebabkan oleh tahun baru cina yang akan datang.

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

"waiting for rain in the dry season, useless and disappointing"

I'm thinking about you
feeling that I always avoid this, this feeling that I always fear Him, and the feeling that during the time in my grave-in for 4 years. I fear for what else feel confess. and now a new hope came back, hope that this is only in my dreams, I hope to make the fly and hope that make me fall again. hope that now only hope to be a blank, as well as "waiting for rain in the dry season, useless and disappointing" and I waited for you to believe me, that hope is empty. but I will try to fill the empty hope that with a passion.

nokia 5800 Xpress music

senyum lebar di acara nokia 5800 Xpress music, menjadi nokia talent selama 3 hari di plaza senayan. seru banget dan yang pasti super capek. tapi kerja keras selama 3 hari terbayar sudah.yang paling seru penampilan dari maliq and D'essential dan banyak banget games serta hadiah yang gak nanggung-nangung seperti handphone nokia 5800 Xpress music yang super canggih ini.

t-shirt gratisan yang lumayan terlihat stylish, dengan motif garis-garis ungu-pink dan bertuliskan judul lagu dari band-band ternama indonesia serta ada gambar earphone yang mengantung di bagian depan t-shirt. tapi sayang panas bahanya. hehehehehe"
"foto dulu sebelum pulang" itu pesan dari rangga, mau tau yang namanya rangga? itu cowok yang berbaju hitam

have fun in university

"have fun in university, doing mad things, and create movements strange"
hari selasa, awal masuk kuliah. MALAS. . . MALAS. . . dan MALAS !!!, udah hari ini hujan dari pagi, masuk pagi pula, buat orang males bangun. udah sampai kampus dosenya gak ada. ughhhh. . .
tapi ada cara yang membuat mood gw jadi bagus lagi, berpose aneh di parkiran kampus sambil membuat gaya-gaya baru, sayangnya adegan rool depan dan rool belakang yang sering gw lakukan tidak dapat di lakukan di hari ini karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak memungkinkan.

ahahahahahaha". . .
kalo uya bisa menyebarkan foto-foto aib gw di FB, ini giliran gw menyebarkan foto-foto aib mereka yang tersimpan di dalam camera digital gw.

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

yellow light

yellow light

basic yellow t-shirt new market, dark indigo skinny jeans topman, brown bracelet topshop, brown handle bag mont blanc, brown low gladiator for man ethical .

low gladiator for man
gladiator is very popular in 2008, but whoa. early in the year 2009 gladiator still interested only in models that are made more robust so that it better reflects the situation in the country in rome 19th century. a version for men, gladiator in a more closed and rigid that seemed more masculine.

go to london

go to london

leopard sunglasses ray ban, skinny black tie zara man, gray shirt cult, brown peacoat ethical, skinny black jeans club monaco, brown handle bag mont blanc.

leopard sunglasses ray ban
sunglasses with a leopard pattern on its frame to give this impression, but still the class and luxury, suitable for use in the class of men who have the personality, but still reflect the appearance and elegance

birthday dea citra aurora

birthday dea citra aurora
dea actual birthday on 27 December 2008, we relate the holidays, so we make it a party on 6 january 2009. events start at 7 o'clock in the evening in a cafe in the area pejaten.

she is my mother

Hai, she is my mother
she is my mother, her was a very beautiful woman, I love my mother. my father is a man who is very lucky, because my mother to get it, so I am. I still make my mother as beautiful as 17 years ago, such as at the time in this picture.

This is a new habit
sms to your mother "I love mother" every day at least 3 times a day. take time to meet with the mother, and ask people say in the day. and hug your mother when you are in distress.

Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

this is my son

hai !!! this is my son

hamster putih berjenis winter berkelamin pria ini bernama baby, umurnya 3 bulan, lahir di bandung 20 september 2008, si baby ini hadiah dari mantan gw waktu kita masih jadian. sekarang si baby beratnya udah 50 gram menurut timbangan tepung terigu. si baby sangat pemberani, lincah dan energic. tapi kadang-kadang si baby suka malas kalau di suruh ikut les jahit kerjaanya cuma makan dan tidur.
sungguh anak yang tidak berguna.

Arian Gendar, 21 male bandung.
he was a good animal breeder, salah satunya adalah hamster. pria yang sering di panggil rian ini sangat mahir dan tahu betul masalah-masalah yang menyangkut hamster. dia sering sekali membantu gw dalam memecahkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan si baby. gw sangat merekomendasikan dia sebagai peternak hamster paling mutakhir se-jawa barat.

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

goes to arab

goes to arab

forhead band ethical, black wayfarer glasses ray ban, mouse tshirt insight, mouse bag insight, short pants mooks

Black wayfarer glasses Ray Ban
glasses are very useful to protect us from the sun that can damage our eyes. are in need in the tropical regions. the black lenses made of materials that sepektakuler, the view of our not too dark.

this gray

this gray

grey tshirt giordano, indigo short pants GAP, calculator watch casio, gray loafers This property of the father's shoes

gray loafers
these shoes are very comfortable in the use of leather options that do not make a foot blister, the model is too simple and not official, added in with the color that makes the soft-shoe is not impressed old.

sixteen sorrow

sixteen sorrow

black crew neck tshirt topman, black acid skinny jeans club monaco, brown handle bag mont blanc, calculator watch casio, brown bracelet topshop, brown low gladiator for man ethical

I highly recommend this bag, in addition to the unique shape, opening the bag was in the cover design and the luxury class, made of genuine leather nutbrown guarantor in fire-resistant.

arsya الذهاب الى العربية

welcome to the jungle
arsya perasetiawan, age 19 years, studying at a university Bina Nusantara, marketing communications department, is still single, I love peace and the mother.
I'm a funny, active, dynamic and easy to interact.
I like music and fashion, I have a son named baby hamster.
I like to traveling and shoping, sometimes for sport at the end of the weekend.
I wish at this time stop global warming and go to the arab.
آمل الأندونيسية