feeling that I always avoid this, this feeling that I always fear Him, and the feeling that during the time in my grave-in for 4 years. I fear for what else feel confess. and now a new hope came back, hope that this is only in my dreams, I hope to make the fly and hope that make me fall again. hope that now only hope to be a blank, as well as "waiting for rain in the dry season, useless and disappointing" and I waited for you to believe me, that hope is empty. but I will try to fill the empty hope that with a passion.
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
nokia 5800 Xpress music
senyum lebar di acara nokia 5800 Xpress music, menjadi nokia talent selama 3 hari di plaza senayan. seru banget dan yang pasti super capek. tapi kerja keras selama 3 hari terbayar sudah.yang paling seru penampilan dari maliq and D'essential dan banyak banget games serta hadiah yang gak nanggung-nangung seperti handphone nokia 5800 Xpress music yang super canggih ini.
have fun in university
"have fun in university, doing mad things, and create movements strange"
tapi ada cara yang membuat mood gw jadi bagus lagi, berpose aneh di parkiran kampus sambil membuat gaya-gaya baru, sayangnya adegan rool depan dan rool belakang yang sering gw lakukan tidak dapat di lakukan di hari ini karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak memungkinkan.
kalo uya bisa menyebarkan foto-foto aib gw di FB, ini giliran gw menyebarkan foto-foto aib mereka yang tersimpan di dalam camera digital gw.
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