Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

http://slimages.macys.com/is/image/MCY/products/3/optimized/417633_fpx.tif?bgc=255,255,255&wid=327&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeghttp://s2.thisnext.com/media/230x230_no_border/Havaianas-Trekking-Brasil_69A04F73.jpgMen Havaianas Sandals (White)

Havaianas sandals

This sandal is very comfortable and easy in use, made of rubber material selection and the light is very soft, so light in use, forms a very stylish and many color options make this compulsory in slippers have each person a brave and stylish.

a lover of fashion must have